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How to Add Facebook Feed to Divi WordPress Sites

Adding a Facebook feed to a Divi-powered WordPress site involves using a Facebook Page plugin. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Method 1: Using Facebook Page Plugin (Recommended)

  1. Create a Facebook App:
  • Go to the Facebook Developers website.
    • Create a new app or select an existing one.
  • Configure Your App:
  • In your app dashboard, go to the “Add a Product” section and choose “Page” under the Social Integrations.
    • Configure the settings for your Facebook Page plugin, including the Facebook Page URL.
  • Get the Page Plugin Code:
  • In the “Page Plugin” settings, customize the plugin to your liking.
    • Copy the generated code.
  • Add the Code to Divi:
  • In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to the page or post where you want to add the Facebook feed using Divi.
    • In the Divi Builder, add a “Code” module to the desired section.
    • Paste the Facebook Page plugin code into the module.
    • Save or update your page.

Method 2: Using a Divi Module (if available)

Some third-party plugins or Divi-specific modules might offer an easier way to integrate a Facebook feed. Here’s a general guide:

  1. Install a Plugin or Module:
  • Search for and install a third-party Divi module that supports Facebook integration. For example, plugins like “Divi Facebook Feed” or similar might offer such functionality.
  • Configure the Plugin or Module:
  • Once installed, configure the settings, providing the necessary information such as your Facebook Page URL.
  • Add the Module to Your Page:
  • Use the newly added module in the Divi Builder to embed the Facebook feed.
    • Customize the appearance and other settings according to your preferences.
  • Save or Update Your Page:
  • Save or update your page to apply the changes.


  • Always follow Facebook’s guidelines and policies when embedding content.
  • Keep your plugins, themes, and WordPress core updated for security and compatibility.
  • If you encounter any issues, refer to the documentation or support resources provided by the plugins or modules you are using.



